Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Tips For Those With Paralysis During Winter

It's been awhile, but I've been a bit under the weather so today we're getting back on track and we're also doing something a bit different. With Winter in full swing, I wanted to help those out that aren't able to move about as easily as some of us. I'm referring to those with mobility issues, including paralysis. I found an interesting article with tips to help you this Winter. There are 23 of them.

1) Invest in good quality, name brand outer wear like The North Face.
2) Wear loose, lightweight clothes in layers if you live in a cold region.
3) Avoid cotton due to it getting wet and staying wet. Wear man-made fibers or better yet, wool.
4) Wear mittens if you have a hard time moving fingers.
5) Carry 2 sets of gloves in case one gets wet.
6) If you need to warm your hands, put them in your arm pits or groin area as this will warm them fastest.
7) Wear a hat to keep heat from evaporating from your head.
8) If in outdoor sports, wear mask and neck warmer/scarf.
9) Keep calves warm with leggings. Even guys can do this; or wear long johns.
10) Use something like Grabber warmers in gloves or pockets to keep hands warm.
11) Use boot warmers such as the one by Bootronic or other equivalent.
12) Wear sunscreen. Just as you can get burned on an overcast day, down 30 feet diving, you can also burn on a Winter's day despite the rays being weaker and it taking longer.
13) Apply Vaseline to uncovered facial skin. It will insulate the moisture to keep face from drying out.
14) If skin is white or greyish-yellow, it may be frostbite. Move to warm area and cover the affected area. Never rub the skin.
15) Always check for uncovered skin from say, a shirt or jacket rolling up from the back of a wheelchair.
16) Invest in snow tires for wheelchair as well as the car if you live in snowy regions. Soft rubber works the best for grip. You  never know when this could help you sliding down a hill and keeping you out of the gutter.
17) Mountain bike tires can be used on the back of your wheelchair for optimal grip.
18) Snow tires on cars are specifically designed with special tread patterns for grip and not getting stuck. Snow chains may be needed in deeper or slick snows.
19) Don't use cruise control as it may take longer to turn it off than you actually have.
20) Keep hydrated. Dehydration helps cold to set in. Skin also dries out more in the Winter from the exposure to heat and cold as well as less humidity in the air.
21) You can become more dehydrated in drier or higher climates.
22) Carry a survival kit in your car or backpack. Include the following: Water, matches, food, shovel of some sort, flashlights, blankets, sleeping bag, and flares. I realize that is unfeasible possibly for a backpack and is more in line with your car. However, make sure you have at least some water, food, matches, flashlight, and blanket with you. The flashlight can flash for help and the rest will keep you until help arrives. If you live in an area with bad reception, then a few flares are a good idea in case you get stranded. Always let someone know where you'll be going if it's either a new area or somewhere where you could potentially get stuck.
23) Keep batteries warm with covers of some sort. When the temperature reaches 0 degrees, batteries lose 60% of their charge.

These tips are more suited for those with disabilities, but some are useful for anybody really.

Extra, Extra, Read All About IT -

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